
This week the school gardener Julie Norris came into plant some potatoes with each class! We began by chitting them in a box in class to give their shoots chance to come out and then we used plenty of soil and water to plant them in grow bags. Thank you Julie!

Opal Class

This week Opal class have been so busy we haven’t had time to post!

In English we have been learning and writing historical facts about Captain Scott – it would be great if they wanted to continue researching his story and bringing in any facts they want to share! We have also been reading Tom Crean’s rabbit, a true story about a team mate on Captain Scott’s expedition. Today we tried the tomato soup that they had for Christmas dinner on the Terra Nova and wrote a lovely description about it.

In Maths, we have been solving missing number sums such as, 1 + __ = 20 with numicon. We have also been solving ones with higher numbers by ‘counting on’ on a hundred square (you can find these online for free). Children could continue to practise these at home along with counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s as well as practising counting backwards and filling in number sequences like 37, 36, 35, __,__,__.

Please continue reading and recapping phase 3 and phase 5 sounds. Also, asking lots of questions about what is going on is a great way to check your child fully understands what they are reading.

Thanks for your continued support! Have a nice weekend!

Miss P 🙂


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In maths, Crystal class have been practising partitioning numbers in to hundreds, tens and ones with the dienes blocks. The towers are blocks of ten and the single cubes represent units. Children could practise making numbers at home by cutting out and making their  own tens towers and individual cubes. They have now got a great understanding of what makes up a number. Well done Crystal class!



To help us learn the story of Scott of the Antarctic we acted out what happened to him and his 4 team members. There was some great acting, here are two huskies with Captain Scott and his team mate shivering!



KS1 are learning about how the equator affects the climate of different countries. We used a torch to show how the sun’s heat rays land directly on the equator which is an invisible line. We coloured the hottest countries red, then orange for warm, yellow for mild and blue for cold (which are the furthest away from the equator!). The children were keen to identify countries that mean a lot to them like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey and Africa.


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This afternoon, Opal class were practising how to chest pass a ball as we are learning how to play netball. There was some great throwing and catching going on – a big well done!



Today KS1 began their new topic which is Scott of the Antarctic! We did a reveal with some props and the children had to guess what our topic was going to be about. The props included an oil lamp, a compass, a map and a tent among a few others.


Opal Homework

Please note this is definitely OPTIONAL homework and only an idea if your child would like to do it. However, we do ask that you continue to read with your children every day as it is crucial for their progress in reading!

We have been doing about diaries in class, so Opal class thought that they may like to write their own diary of what they have done over the holidays. Remember to say your sentence, count the words, write it, read it and correct it. Also, don’t forget finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. You can also include adjectives as well as connectives like and or because.

Money has been a big part of our maths lessons and over the holidays, Opal class thought that they could add up some different coins (challenge would be £s and pence), practise recognising £s and pence and experience buying something and getting some change. They could then write about this in their holiday diary.

We also love to see their artwork and anything that they have done and want to bring in as this is fabulous!


Thank you so much for your continued hard work and support – have a restful holiday!

Miss P 🙂