All posts by Admin


Opal Class had a fantastic morning learning about their new topic Deserts! We found out that deserts can be hot or cold but they are always dry. We explored where deserts are in the atlases and located them on our own maps in relation to the equator! In Maths, we explored where to find 2D shapes on 3D shapes in the classroom – the children found some shapes in unexpected places.


Opal class had a great (messy) afternoon painting surrealist art inspired by Rene Margritte, based on Through the Magic Mirror (the story we wrote last week)! Lots of weird and wacky creative ideas!



Crystal class enjoyed experimenting measuring temperature with thermometers as part of our measurement topic in maths. They will also be using scales to measure how heavy things are and jugs to explore capacity.


Last week, Opal class made some fantastic pictures with moving parts. There is one character which goes side to side and a wheel that goes round to reveal different characters in the little box!

This week in English we will be writing instructions to tell other people how to make them.

In Maths, we are learning about measurement and how we measure capacity, length and temperature. We are practising using rulers, measuring jugs and thermometers to read scales.



Hello All,

Just a quick update to let you know what we have been doing this week:

  • Learning about Anthony Browne as an author with a focus on learning the story of Through the Magic Mirror (we made a Missing poster for the boy who is lost in the story).
  • Sharing amounts and shapes into halves and quarters and recapping time with “o’clock at the top, half past on the six”.
  • Learning about Spring through our guided reading book “When will it be Spring?”.
  • Spelling using ‘ed’ ‘ing’ and recapping phase 5 sounds.


PLEASE READ as much as possible over the holidays, your child can still get 2 weeks worth of reading karate points providing you read at least 4 times each week.

Optional homework for the holidays:

  • Write a book about what you have done in the holidays – complete with some lovely pictures!
  • Practise number bonds, drawing the hands to make different times on clocks, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, reading scales and cutting things into halves and quarters.
  • You may also want to do a shape hunt around your house and garden!

Have a lovely Easter break! See you back on the Monday 16th April!

Miss P 🙂



All KS1 classes have now visited Blackwell’s as part of their book topic! The children loved getting the chance to visit the rare books department – we saw the smallest book in their collection and a first edition of The Cat in the Hat worth £30,000! We also got chance to look through some lovely books in the children’s department and go on a fact hunt around the shop!


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Thank you to all the parents who came to help with the KS1 garden this Saturday in the freezing weather! As you can see, the new additions  were greatly received by the children are were a big hit at lunchtime!!


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So far, Crystal and Opal class have been to the Botanic Gardens and Topaz are visiting tomorrow. We had so much fun!! Emma showed us around and we visited the Palm House with the rainforest plants and the Arid House with the desert cacti – they were very warm! We looked around the garden and found the oldest tree in the garden, it is almost 400 years old! We also got to make some beautiful pastel and ink designs on cloth!