Monthly Archives: December 2017


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KS1 had a surprise visit from Santa Claus this afternoon. He delivered presents to all the children and they spent their break time trying to spot his sleigh on the roof. Thank you Santa!



Opal Class has great fun trying to pin the mince pie into Santa’s mouth! A lot of children complained that they couldn’t see the board – we tried to explain that that’s the idea!


4FCC4737-C737-4435-857F-648745F50ABA 7A63D4A3-7B8C-4438-8033-B706846DA301 97A47BD7-BDA2-492E-980F-D36ABE653D5F

This morning Opal class were planning a route for Santa to their house, also stopping by Oxford! We are learning up, down, left and right directions. Some children even looked at using North, South, East and West. Well done Opal class you worked very hard!



This morning Opal class have been practising their spelling to find out which ones we need to practise. They did fantastic and tried so hard! You will find these in their reading folders, please practise at home if you can.


Unfortunately, the trip to the botanic gardens was not able to go ahead today due to the weather! We are hopefully going to rearrange for January.

Hope to see you all for the pantomime tomorrow: 9:30am or 5:30pm or both!


07C46E80-012E-4E1A-98D0-953AA68E869B 6AB3B682-D322-409B-B1CE-9A37DF97F619 F517454B-53DB-4AEE-ACA0-762073C20950 F39F351A-64E9-4FAE-A950-A3FA41385570 9B993B13-9F72-44A7-870E-EC3F23768BA0 E8D9CC3F-B282-4B85-83CB-700FB0B4E1F6

KS1 had so much fun playing in the snow this afternoon! We found some bird prints and also wrote our names in the crunchy, flaky snow! We have been writing acrostic poems in English and we have been sharing by 2 and using the divide sign in maths. We are still looking at trees and plants as part of our topic.

Opal Class



This afternoon Opal Class have been investigating evergreen and deciduous trees. Deciduous trees, like Willow trees and Norway Maples, lose their leaves in the Autumn but evergreen trees, like Christmas trees, keep their leaves all year round! Look out for them on your way to school…

Opal Class

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Today Opal class were practising sharing between 2. We now know that the amounts have to be the same for each group and we used the “one for me, one for you” method. Some children looked at using the division symbol to record their sharing. Well done Opal, a fab lesson!

Opal Class


This afternoon Opal class were looking at how the trees change through the seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. We discussed how the leaves start to die as the weather gets colder and this means that they fall off!